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Warehouse Employee
Warehouse Employee
Warehouse Employee

Job hopping used to be frowned on. Red flags on resumes. Something previous generations
did their best to avoid. You stuck with a job, showed stability and worked your way up, but boy,
how times have changed.

What makes it so easy for young workers to pull up stakes and move on? Why don't they
prioritize job security and financial stability more? Maybe, it's because they don't have to.

At Uline, young people are resigning before their two-year anniversary at a higher rate than
we'd like. We invest precious resources recruiting, hiring and training new hires, only for them to
leave. We call them "The Nomads."

Why do they jump around?

Free insurance: The Affordable Care Act allows young adults to stay on their parents' health
plan until age 26. The unintended consequences are that you can quit a job without losing
coverage and go where the grass looks greener. In addition, parents often pay for their kids'
phone bill, car insurance and streaming services.

The Pandemic: COVID-19 turned the world on its head. Thanks to three rounds of stimulus
checks, people didn't get off their couches to work. It became the norm to "WFH" and not build
camaraderie at work. All hell broke loose.

Parenting: Many try to be a friend. They show a lot of affection and concentrate
on the FUN but fail to provide guidelines, rules and expectations that teach
personal responsibility. The result is a generation of nomads who have been
"sheltered," knowing mom and dad will keep taking care of them. At some
point, you've got to kick them out of the nest so they can learn to fly.

Liz Uihlein

Employers are always on the lookout for young, talented candidates. It's hard
to build a winning team when the rookies you sign think they are free agents
before they even take the field.

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